Cheesecake for 2

Classic & Peanut butter Cheesecakes

You know when you live alone or it’s just the two of you (a roomate, a brother, the love of your life), and you want dessert but you know half the cake is gonna end up going bad…cause lets face it, we girls are always partially on a diet so we “can’t” really stuff our faces on a whole cake…

…But you really want something sweet

So this recipe allows you to satisfy all your sweet cravings and still not feel too guilt

It’s a Small (20x20cm) cheesecake with two flavours.


Yep…cause I love sweets but I love a whole bunch of different ones. So let’s just make it simply and instead of making one and dreaming about the other…which will undoubtedly end with you making the other one within a week…just be simple and make two

Trust me it’s way simpler than you imagine!!

Interesting Archaeological Fact

Did you knew that the origin of the Cheesecake (πλακουντοπουκόν σύγγραμμα) goes back to Ancient Greece? It’s said that cheesecake was one of the dishes served to athletes on the First Olympic Games in 776 B.C. In the 5th century B.C. a whole book on the art of making cheesecakes is written by the greek physician Aegimus. The first recipes of cheesecake – named plakos and placenta accordingly – appear in Athenaeus of Naucratis’s Deipnosophistae dated from the 3rd century B.C. and in Cato the Elder’s De Agri Cultura (c. 160 B.C). References to the cheese cake named plakos also appear in Archestratus’s Hedypatheia and Plato’s Republic.

Note – Keep scrolling after the recipe for tips and points


Cheesecake for 2

Recipe by JoanaCourse: DessertCuisine: Ancient Greek


Cooking time



Two cheesecakes in one



  • 50g Butter – melted

  • 100g Marie biscuits (plus extra 5)

  • 100g Digestive cookies


  • 200ml Heavy Whipping Cream

  • 150g Mascarpone

  • 50g Sugar

  • 1 Gelatin sheet

  • 2tbs Peanut butter


  • 150g Frozen berries

  • 2tbs Sugar

  • 3tbs Heavy cream

  • 50g Dark chocolate


  • Assemble a 20x20cm square nonstick pan, line it with parchment paper.
  • MAKE CRUST: Crumb the cookies and biscuits in a blender. Add the melted butter until moistened. Transfer it to the pan and press it firmly into the bottom. Cut the extra 5 Marie biscuits into squares and use them to make a middle barrier in your pan by inserting them into the crust. Set on fridge.
  • MAKE FILLING: With a mixer and a paddle attachment beat the cold cream until fluffy and consistent. Add the sugar and mascarpone and incorporate. Meanwhile soak your gelatin in cold water until soft. Removed the water and microwave it for 20 to 30 seconds until it dissolves. Add it to the previous mix while mixing.
  • MAKE THE TOPPINGS: In a small pan put the frozen berries, sugar and a splash of water and heat up in medium heat. The berries will start to lose their consistency and turn into a thick coulis.
  • Heat the cream on the microwave for 30 seconds and add the chocolate. Mix until chocolate has melted and its fully incorporated into a smooth ganache.
  • ASSEMBLY: Pour half of the filling into one side of the crust. Add to the remaining half the two spoons of peanut butter, incorporate it and pour it into the other half of the crust. Set in the fridge for 30 min.
  • After pour the chocolate ganache over the peanut butter filling and the berry coulis over the classic filling.
  • For decoration put 1tbs of peanut butter melting in the microwave for 30 seconds and drizle over the chocolate, and use some of the berries (yes they will defrost fast) over the coulis.


Cheese – I use mascarpone in this recipe because i don’t like the sour taste in most cream cheeses. Besides since mascarpone is sweeter and milder you’ll need to use less sugar. But feel free to use cream cheese or add a pinch of lemon to the mascarpone.

Cookies – I find a mix between Marie biscuits, that are mild and sweet, and some oat digestive cookies, that provide a crunch and a nutty flavor, the best. To make the barrier that separates your cheesecakes use a bread knife to cut the cookies to fit each other and the pan. With this technique they wont break and the filling wont mix.

Sugar – I like sweet sweet desserts, but you may not. So add the sugar in portions, this way you can control the taste of your dessert, both in the filling and in the berry coulis.

Berries – I prefer to use a 50/50 ratio of strawberries and raspberries, as i find it to be balanced – not be too sweet (strawberries) nor too acid (raspberries). But you can find your own preference.

Mixing – Be carefull and don’t over mix the filling. We want the cream fluffy but if your cheese is too hard consider giving it a mix before adding it to the cream.

Freeze – you can totally freeze this cheesecake (even tough its so small you will eat it all).

Cheesecake for 2, classic cheesecake, peanut butter cheesecake


The Hyperborean Spell – All Images & contents are copyright protected. If you wish to use this recipe ask for permission or link back to this site.

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